Saturday, March 8, 2008

Surgery + 9 to 11 Days: Back to Work

I've accomplished a lot in the last few days. I had a full day of work Thursday thanks to Jen who graciously chauffered. I got my stitches out as well. The knee looks much better than last week. There is one hole that I'm working on closing up, but otherwise very good.

Tomorrow I venture to Orlando for a work conference. It's the most work I'll be able to do for a couple weeks because I'm still not released to drive for two weeks. I've been practicing getting out and about with a trip out to dinner and to the mall today and attendance at the U of M gymnastics meet yesterday. Everything went well and I think I'll be ready for the conference with the hotel room to rest in just upstairs if I'm in too much pain.

My doctor's appointment went pretty well. He said the swelling is doing well and the 90 degree range of motion is a good start. He's not as happy with the quad development so I got an electrode machine to help stimulate the quad - 20 minutes a day three to four times a day - lots of work!

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